
Web exploitation is the process of exploiting vulnerabilities in web-based applications to gain access to sensitive data or control over the app.

Diambil dari, Web Exploitation adalah prosess mengeksploitasi kerentanan yang terdapat di web based application atau web untuk mendapatkan data yang sensitif atau mengontroll web tersebut. Untuk basic dari exploitasi web sendiri terdapat owasp top 10 (2023) yang terdiri dari :

1. Broken Access Control

2. Cryptographic Failures

3. Injection

  • SQL Injection for database attacks
    Injection for database querying #sqli

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
    Usually JavaScript-based browser attacks launched via infected web pages, leading to session hijacking, cookie theft, or other attacks on users. #xss

  • Command Injection
    Atackers inject malicious commands into system commands executed by the application, potentially gaining control of the server or executing unauthorized operations. #commandinjection

  • LDAP Injection
    Attackers manipulate LDAP queries used for authentication and authorization to gain access. #ldapinjection

  • XML Injection
    Atackers insert malicious content into XML data, potentially disrupting the application’s parsing process to gain access. #xmlinjection

  • Β· Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)
    Where attackers inject malicious code into server-side templates to execute code on the server. #ssti

4. Insecure Design

5. Security Misconfiguration

6. Vulnerable and Outdated Components

7. Identification and Authentication Failures

8. Software and Data Integrity Failures

9. Security Logging and Monitoring Failures

10. Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)